Potawatomi artists collaborate on ‘Speak Again’

Two Potawatomi artists contributed their talents to a new song and music video, Speak Again. Inspired by Potawatomi author Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer’s 2013 best-selling book, Braiding Sweetgrass, the lyrics and video envision a future where Bodéwadmimwen is brought back to Potawatomi communities in a meaningful way.

Tribal member brings food sovereignty before global food giant

Citizen Potawatomi Nation tribal member Jody Gzhadawsot (Helps Children) Mattena grew up learning to hunt, garden and gather as well as prepare and preserve foods from her grandfather and her mother. Now, she fulfills her dreams of cooking and educating through her BossLady Anish platforms and work with the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi Food Sovereignty Department as a lifeways consultant. Most recently, her work practicing and educating about Indigenous foodways brought her to the headquarters of one of the largest and most recognizable global food companies — Kellogg’s.

Thompson helps weave family history threads

Bourbonnais-Tescier descendant Czarina Thompson began as a family history specialist at the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center in 2005. Though the role has changed over the years as new technology and information becomes available, her attention to detail, extensive knowledge and love for helping Tribal members connect with their ancestors remain constant.

Academic, professor finds inspiration in water

As a child in upstate New York, Citizen Potawatomi Nation tribal member Barbara Wall, Ph.D., spent her time in and around the water. Wall now works as an assistant professor in the Indigenous Environmental Studies and Sciences Program at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. Her research focuses on water, specifically the Great Lakes region, which is Potawatomi homeland.

Hownikan Podcast: December 2022

During this episode, we’ll hear the story of an Indigenous food expert and the many layers of their most recent project and spend time with NFL Kansas City Chiefs center Creed Humphreys.

Hownikan Podcast: October 2022

This episode explores the history and complexities of the simple dish of fry bread and features a CPN photographer who traveled North American to capture Potawatomi from all 9 Nations in regalia.

Hownikan Podcast: September 2022

During this episode, we’ll hear from the 2022 Potawatomi Leadership Program class about their experience and ideas for the Tribe’s future, celebrate International Podcast Day and talk to an Oklahoma City musician about his upcoming album.

High schooler wins four titles at 2021 Oklahoma State Fair

Citizen Potawatomi Nation tribal member and National FFA Organization member Helen Spears showed two cattle at the 2021 Oklahoma State Fair. Throughout the weeklong competition, the Lamirand family descendant won four titles with two heifers.

Father, son climb Mount Whitney

Tribal members Koby and Steve Lawson took on the challenge of hiking the highest point in the contiguous United States — Mount Whitney in California. Descendants of the Laframboise family, the father and son enjoy all outdoor activities.

Career change unveils tasty talents

Inspired by her love of cooking and baking, Quintard descendant Paige Grandjean applied for an internship opportunity with Southern Living’s test kitchen. Six years later, Grandjean continues to artfully craft and test recipes for major culinary publications.