On Sept. 30, 1809, Potawatomi, Delaware, Miami and Eel River tribal leaders signed the Treaty of Fort Wayne, which included ceding approximately 3 million acres of land in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana and Michigan for 2 cents per acre.
The Tribe replaced a dilapidated wooden sign with CPN tribal member and former Tecumseh City Manager Charles Martin’s name on it. The city park it stood in was named after him.
Blakeley Sanchez, now 13 and a Tecumseh eighth grader, serves as the Oklahoma state president of Junior Beta Club.
Though Oklahoma’s 4.5 percent unemployment rate is below the national average, continued economic uncertainty can make finding work difficult, but help is available. CPN’s Employment and Training Program offers career counseling classes to assist participants in their job search. “It is important to have these classes because there are so many people looking for employment. Read More »