Language update: August 2019

The busy summer for the CPN Language Department includes launching the new online Potawatomi dictionary, hiring an employee, starting a 10-week class, creating a men’s powwow drumming group, teaching the Potawatomi Leadership Program students and more.

Hownikan Podcast: July 2019

This episode features a man whose primary language is Potawatomi and taught Citizen Potawatomi Nation members it since the 1970s. There is also a visit to a tattoo shop owned by a Tribal member and the CPN Community Garden for summer berry picking.

Potawatomi verbs: How and when to use them

The July 2019 language update from CPN Language Department Director Justin Neely covers the four main Potawatomi verbs: intransitive, transitive, independent and conjunct.

Language with Perrot

As the last heritage fluent Potawatomi speaker for the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, Don Perrot began helping Citizen Potawatomi Nation members learn the language in the mid-1970s. He was raised in a traditional community in Wisconsin and always wanted to pass on the oral traditions of Potawatomi culture.

Language update: May 2019

This month’s CPN Language Department update highlights the coming online Potawatomi dictionary, the University of Oklahoma Youth Language Fair and more.

Language update — March 2019

The March 2019 update from the CPN Language Department discusses exciting new projects coming this year.

Language Department update: December 2018

By Justin Neely, Director of the CPN Language Department As we head into December, it has been a busy fall for the CPN Language Department. We are finishing two adult classes, which were taught in person and streamed live in the Potawatomi Language group on Facebook. What’s nice about this is folks who don’t live Read More »

Potawatomi language learning update

Submitted by Justin Neely, CPN Language Department Director It’s been a very busy month for the language department. By the time this reaches you, we will have reached our 800th person to use the Moodle online Potawatomi language course. If you haven’t tried it out, go to There is a Beginner I with 20 chapters. Read More »