Youth programs during summer 2021 provided an opportunity for the Citizen Potawatomi Nation to purchase and place trail cameras across its jurisdiction. The images help connect students to Mother Nature and open dialogue around conservation and land stewardship. The Nation now extends access to trail camera images through
In remarks to the National Congress of American Indians 2021 general assembly, Vice President Kamala Harris announced a long-awaited opening for tribal 477 programs across the country, like those administered through CPN’s Workforce Development & Social Services Department.
Kiowa artist Burt Patadal has made many ceramic pieces throughout the last 30 years. Patadal also serves as the re-entry and diversionary lead counselor for the CPN Workforce Development & Social Services’ Tribal Re-entry Program.
November is National Career Development Month, and Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s Workforce Development & Social Services Department helps clients prepare, expand skillsets and find jobs.
The Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s Workforce Development & Social Services department recently wrapped up a busy summer full of activities to help youth learn and participate in their Native heritage and build professional skills. Outreach programs included a V-STEM camp, book club, law and policy, work placements and more.
CPN Indian Child Welfare Department caseworker Whitney Coots helps children of neglect and abuse improve their situation every day.
In 2020, the Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s Workforce Development & Social Services staff expanded the number of families they served with their annual Thanksgiving Food Basket Drive, from 185 to 225.
As in-person summer programs were canceled, several CPN departments, including Workforce Development & Social Services and the Department of Education, partnered with Oklahoma State University and employees across CPN to develop two virtual camps.
Citizen Potawatomi Nation Workforce Development & Social Services seeks to help Native American families and students in need with access to assistance, no matter the circumstances.
More than 600 guests attended the second annual Community Baby Shower hosted by Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s Workforce & Social Services Department and the CPN Child Development Center on Wednesday, March 4, 2020.