Citizen Potawatomi Nation requires Training for Intervention ProcedureS certification, also knowns as TIPS, for all staff serving and selling alcohol. Servers, bartenders and store clerks learn the skills necessary to recognize intoxication and interact with inebriated customers to prevent drunk driving.
Cross deputation provides CPN police the jurisdiction to patrol countywide. But no matter where the CPN police patrol or who they encounter, the officers employ understanding and strive to keep everyone safe.
On May 3, 2019, longtime Tribal employee Angie Dawkins was the focus of a promotion ceremony recognizing her advancement to the rank of lieutenant.
With approximately 5,000 people travelling to Festival, many of whom only visit Tribal headquarters once a year, the CPN Tribal Police are on the front line of informing attendees of the “do’s and don’ts” of the event. From a malfunctioning water faucet to emergency response, Tribal police answer all the calls during Festival, many of Read More »