
The Citizen Potawatomi Nation Veterans Organization wishes everyone a great New Year! It will be a very interesting 2022 with the pandemic, China, Russia and the Middle East dark cloud covering our world. These blemishes on the new year heighten our awareness for the military and security needs of our Tribe and nation. The nation has begun to recognize and appreciate its veterans and active military personnel for their past contributions to these goals.

The Citizen Potawatomi Nation Veterans Organization has taken on the task of adjusting to the needs of our members in these trying times. We have two goals in our organization: first, to create a socializing environment for veterans to be with other veterans. Second, to actively represent the Citizen Potawatomi Nation to the public by presenting the colors (flags) at various events with the color guard and our honor guard being present when a Tribal member walks on. We at present have seven active members for this honor: Daryl Talbot, Daniel Castaneda, David Barrett, Bill Wano, Galen Greenwalt, Kenny Reed and Kenny Talbot. We have had other veterans express an interest in joining our mission. We have a new vice commander, Daniel Castaneda. It promises to be a very exciting year.

Remember, the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Veterans Organization has its meetings every month on the fourth Tuesday at 6 p.m. (or as soon as you can get there). All CPN Veterans and spouses and families are welcome. We meet in the North Reunion Hall located at the Tribe’s powwow grounds.

(Thank you),

Daryl Talbot, Commander