Employees, members of the public required to wear masks at Tribal businesses and offices

Because COVID-19 cases in Pottawatomie County have doubled since June, the Citizen Potawatomi Nation (CPN) will require face masks and social distancing for all people at businesses within its tribal jurisdiction beginning Monday, July 20.
“Our priority continues to be on the health and safety of our employees, customers and communities,” said Citizen Potawatomi Nation Tribal Chairman John “Rocky” Barrett. “All employees will continue wearing masks, using sanitizer and practicing social distancing. We also continue to conduct additional deep cleanings of our facilities.”
The policy was adopted according to guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and CPN Health Services, which both advise wearing face coverings in public entities to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
“This policy is similar to what other major retailers and employers have implemented,” added Barrett. “It’s a simple step to take to protect each other and keep our communities healthy.”
Affected enterprises include, but are not limited to:
- All Citizen Potawatomi Nation Tribal offices/buildings
- Grand Casino Hotel and Resort
- FireLake Entertainment Center
- FireLake Arena
- FireLake Discount Foods (Shawnee)
- FireLake Express Grocery (McLoud)
- FireLake Express Grocery (Tecumseh)
- FireLake Bowling Center
- FireLake Golf Course
- First National Bank & Trust Co.
- FireLake Corner Store
- Grand Travel Plaza
- FireLake Ball Fields
- Citizen Potawatomi Gift Shop
- Citizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center
- FireLake Pizza
- FireLake Fry Bread Taco
- Citizen Potawatomi Nation Tag Agency
- Citizen Potawatomi Nation WIC
- Citizen Potawatomi Nation Workforce and Social Services
- Shawnee Outdoors
- Quail Ridge Sporting Clays
Children 10 and under will not be required to wear a mask. Any person that has a developmental, mental and/or medical disability will be excluded from having to wear a mask. Patrons may remove masks while they are eating or drinking but must still social distance. Patrons may also remove masks if they are outside and able to social distance from other guests.
Face masks must cover the nose and mouth. If someone enters a business under CPN tribal jurisdiction without a face mask, the establishment has the right to ask that person to either put on a face mask before entering or leave the property. For more information about CPN’s COVID-19 response, visit potawatomi.org/COVID19.