Legislators met at the end of February for the first quarterly legislative meeting of 2019. All CPN Tribal Legislators were present.

Proceedings began by approval of minutes for the quarterly November 2018 meeting, a special electronic December 2018 meeting for a short-term grant approval and HEARTH Act sublease approval issue, and a Feb. 7, 2019, special meeting to approval an agreement with Iron Horse Industrial Park and Pro-Pipe Service.
Legislators tabled action on the Tribal Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance before approving a resolution for CPN’s participation in the National Flood Insurance Program.
A resolution enrolling 201 new citizens into the Tribe passed with all legislators voting in favor. A conditional relinquishment of CPN citizenship was granted to Geneva Aline Benton and Robert Leland Taylor.
To support the annual Potawatomi Gathering, legislators approved a resolution contributing $10,000 toward the 2019 event, taking place at Wasauksing First Nation in Ontario, Canada.
The CPN legislators approved several grant applications including those for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2019 Native Language Preservation and Maintenance program, the Institute of Museum and Library Services 2019 Accelerating Promising Practices for Small Libraries program, and the Institute of Museum and Library Services 2019 Native American Library Services Basic Grants Program.
Legislators also supported grant applications for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families’ 2019-2023 Family Violence Prevention Services as well as the U.S. Department of Justice’s fiscal year 2019 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation to continue development of comprehensive approaches to public safety and criminal justice.