I have been informed of a service for veterans that could be of great benefit to many. Have you had an appeal to a Veteran’s Administration benefit denied by the Board of Veterans’ Appeals? If so, you probably have the right to appeal that decision. An attorney, Legislative Director Carol Wild Scott, Esq., has offered her assistance without charge. The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program is dedicated to providing every qualified veteran and their family with free legal representation before the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. Their services are 100 percent free. No one from the Pro Bono Program will ever ask you for money.
You have 120 days from the mailing date your BVA decision to file an appeal. You won’t get an extension, so you have to act fast.
How to file an appeal:
1. Go to the Court’s website (or call the Court at 202-501-5970 and request forms 1 and 4).
2. Complete the Court’s Form 1 – “Notice of Appeal.”
3. There is a $50 fee to file. You can ask the Court to waive the fee by filing the Court’s Form 4 – “Declaration of Financial Hardship”
4. Mail your completed form(s) to:
Clerk of the Court
U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
625 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite 900
Washington, DC 20004-2950
Phone: 202-501-5970
Fax: 202-501-5848 (Note: Forms 1 and 4 must be attached as separate PDF files if you file both at the same time.)
Special case notice:
If you are getting close to the deadline, you can simply print your name, address and telephone number on a piece of paper and write: “I want to appeal my BVA decision dated _______.” Then mail or fax that paper to the court. (The postmark will be the filing date, so don’t use FEDEX or UPS under these circumstances!)
I hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions you can call toll free at 888-838-7727. This information was passed to me by District 3 Representative, Bob Whistler.
Our CPN Veterans Organization’s Christmas and Thanksgiving Dinner will be Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2016 in the North Reunion Hall at 6 p.m. (or as soon as you can get there) on the CPN Powwow Grounds. All CPN veterans and their families are welcome. Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year.