Mike Petray, Jason Boyce, Larry Odell, Nick Nadeu, Tim Zientek and Tyler Motley all work for the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. Each work in different departments, live in different communities and are from entirely different backgrounds. While there are these differences, the one thing they all have in common is their dedication to their local communities.
Director of Casino Operations at Firelake Entertainment Center, Mike Petray, and Jason Boyce, employee at Firelake Discount Foods, are volunteer firemen for the City of Tecumseh, Okla. Boyce is in his first year at the station, while Petray is in his fifteenth year and is currently that department’s assistant chief.
“It was a childhood dream for me to become a firefighter,” explained Petray. “Having a regular job, volunteering was a way for me to get to fulfill that dream. You have to enjoy volunteering and getting fire calls to do it and continue to do it. My family understands my passion for firefighting and that really helps considering the amount of calls we can get at times.”
Boyce added, “It’s an adrenaline rush to get out there and fight fires. I enjoy the brotherhood feeling I get with the fellow firemen and love helping my community.”
Larry Odell volunteers for the City of Asher, Okla. and works in the electrical department for CPN. Odell has been a volunteer fireman for 17 years.
“My community came to me and asked if I wanted to volunteer. I’m really glad I chose to because it is something that I love to do,” explained Odell. “Working for the tribe, I’m able to immediately help out. It’s great to have an employer who understands the importance of community assistance”
Tyler Motley works at CPN’s Batch Plant, and has volunteered for three years as a firefighter for Bethel Acres.
“I love giving back to the community and my ultimate goal is to become a full time firefighter,” said Motley.
Nick Nadeau works in Housekeeping for the Tribe and volunteers for the City of Earlsboro, Okla.
“I’ve been a fireman with Earlsboro for five years now and have loved every minute of it,” stated Nadeau. “It’s rewarding and exciting to help the community and to be out their knowing you can help people.”
As the Director of Safety and Housekeeping at CPN, Tim Zeintek’s job is solely related to safety and bettering the community. He has been working for the Tribe since 2000 and has been a CPN volunteer firefighter for three years.
“Being a fireman for the Tribe is a great opportunity to broaden the amount of positive things CPN does for the community,” commented Zientek. “I’m very proud to be there for the Tribe and to assist other fire stations in the area.”