Bozho Jayek, (hello everyone)

We are pleased to announce the Potawatomi self-paced online Moodle course is live and open to the public.

We would like to invite each and every one of you to come enjoy our language. There is no cost; you only need the desire to learn the language and a respect for our way of life.

We received some great feedback from our tester group and want to say migwetch to those individuals. We will continue to improve the course as we receive additional feedback. To join the course, go to, create an account and then enroll in ‘Beginner I’.

The course is designed to be done in order. The course will not allow you to jump ahead without doing the previous lesson. We have learned that the optimum browsers for doing the course are Safari and Google Chrome. The other browsers will work but will not allow you to hear the sound clips in the glossary or in the games. The games are best viewed on desktop systems and some don’t work on tablets and smart phones. Also the material is best viewed in the browser if it gives you the option.

Once you enroll in the course, I encourage you to be patient as we will have to confirm your account. Once you get a confirmation notice you will be ready to login and start learning. Remember to have fun with the language. This is our language and don’t be afraid to use it and even make mistakes from time to time. It’s all part of learning. You are honoring your ancestors by learning to speak and using our language. Potawatomi was a gift from Mamogosnan, the Creator. It’s our job to learn and use this precious gift. We hope this course will make the language accessible and engaging for learners. The site will still be at

You can e-mail us regarding any comment and inquiry at
