Fire Safety Class
South Reunion Hall 1702 S Gordon Cooper Dr., Shawnee, OK, United StatesCitizen Potawatomi Nation Workforce Development & Social Services is hosting fire safety classes.
Citizen Potawatomi Nation Workforce Development & Social Services is hosting fire safety classes.
Citizen Potawatomi Nation Child Development Center & Workforce Development/Social Services invite families who are pregnant or have infants and toddlers to a community baby shower on Wednesday, March 2, 2022 from 10am - 2pm at FireLake Arena. The event is free and open to the public. There will be refreshments, community resources, education, door prizes & more!
Join the CPN Johnson O'Malley program and Workforce and Social Services department for a series of mini camps this summer for youth aged 10-13! Space is limited - to sign up, please email or call 405-878-3854.
Join CPN Workforce and Social Services for a Summer Camp for youth aged 10-13 years this July 11-15! The program will run from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. daily, and breakfast and lunch will be provided. Limited spots are available; register by July 6 by emailing
Join the CPN Johnson O'Malley program and Workforce and Social Services department for a series of mini camps this summer for youth aged 10-13! Space is limited - to sign up, please email or call 405-878-3854.
Join the CPN Johnson O'Malley program and Workforce and Social Services department for a series of mini camps this summer for youth aged 10-13! Space is limited - to sign up, please email or call 405-878-3854.
Join the CPN Johnson O'Malley program and Workforce and Social Services department for a series of mini camps this summer for youth aged 10-13! Space is limited - to sign up, please email or call 405-878-3854.