Veterans Report: March 2023

The March 2023 Veterans Report offers a list of considerations for families in the wake of the loss of a loved one.

Veterans report: February 2023

The February 2023 veterans report includes updates on the organization’s activities following the new year and a story written by a young U.S. Marine. This month’s meeting will be held February 28, 2023, at the North Reunion Hall.

Veterans report: January 2023

The January 2023 veterans report highlights a new mobile app that brings VA health care and benefits to veterans’ fingertips, as well as a return to regularly scheduled CPN Veterans Organization meetings on the fourth Tuesday of each month.

Veterans report: November 2022

This month’s veterans report highlights phase two of the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers through the Veterans Administration, which has expanded eligibility to include Veterans of all eras, including those who served after May 7, 1975, and before Sept. 11, 2001.

Veterans report: September 2022

This month’s Veterans Report addresses mental health resources available to veterans, including the new Veterans Crisis Line.

Veterans report: August 2022

The August 2022 CPN Veterans Organization update highlights new membership, opportunities for Color Guard and Honor Guard presentations, and upcoming meetings.

Veterans report: July 2022

This month’s Veterans report tells of Pvt. Martin Treptow and his dedication to the service of his country.

Veterans report: June 2022

Bozho(Hello), With these trying times many people are wanting to enter employment or change occupations. That usually means facing interviews. Interviews can be rather scary for most people, even if it’s not your first time. The questions they ask you do have a purpose and are designed to evaluate your suitability for the position available. Read More »

Veterans report May 2022

This month’s report from the CPN Veterans Organization highlights several avenues available to veterans for receiving health care virtually, as well as this month’s upcoming meeting.

Veterans report April 2022

This month’s veterans report discusses current events and the upcoming CPN Veterans Organization meeting.