The Anderson family’s Potawatomi roots began in 18th century Peoria, Illinois, when a Potawatomi woman named Mary C. Tremblay married a blacksmith named John Anderson.
After decades of turmoil in Kansas, Citizen Potawatomi leaders began planning for the Tribe to start anew. Although the Treaty of 1861 provided Tribal members U.S. citizenship and land allotments in Kansas, the federal government did not honor the treaty’s terms. As a result, many Citizen Potawatomi lost everything. The CPN Cultural Heritage Center’s gallery Read More »
A recent acquisition that was graciously donated by the Pottawatomie County Museum and Historical Society is a small photograph measuring 2.5” x 4” known as a carte de visite of prominent Citizen Potawatomi member Mary Anderson Bourbonnais. The photograph was made in Topeka, Kan. by photographer James H. Leonard in the 1870s.