Language update: June 2024

The June 2024 Language Update provides several words and phrases to try out at this year’s Family Reunion Festival, as well as information about Festival programming and the ongoing master apprentice program.

Language update: April 2024

The April Language Update highlights improvements to the online dictionary, online learning opportunities, a new skit series, and a traditional story about why the rabbit has a short tail.

Language update: June 2022

This month’s Language Department update highlights several events and programs that will be open to Festival-goers, as well as several online resources.

Language update: May 2022

The May 2022 language update highlights the Department’s preparations for Family Reunion Festival, work on children’s books, and a variety of class offerings at local schools and online.

Language update: November 2021

This month, the CPN Language Department discusses their newest classes, the expansion of offerings in public schools, and its online resources as well as a prayer for Thanksgiving.

Bodéwadmimwen: Potawatomi language update

The CPN Language Department has been keeping busy with many projects. They are continuing their work on a series of children’s books while teaching Monday-Thursday in the Child Development Center’s two facilities. They are also working on videos, and more.

Language update: February 2021

Read about what the language department has been working on so far in 20201, including a new cartoon, new posters, this year’s storytelling event and more.

Language update: January 2021

Language Department Director Justin Neely discusses ways to learn Potawatomi during the upcoming year and what staff accomplished in 2020.