Each month leading up to June, the Hownikan will feature the history and background of each scheduled honored family selected for the 2021 Family Reunion Festival, including the Bruno, Darling, Hardin, Higbee, Lewis, Nadeau, Slavin and Smith families. The first in this series is the Bruno family. Like many French-Canadian settlers with ties to the Potawatomi, the Brunos were once successful fur traders and trappers.
The Mad Tatter celebrated its two-year anniversary at the end of October, and in that time, people took notice. Inspired by the 1951 animated film, Alice in Wonderland, the tattoo shop’s interior boasts textured walls, bright colors and a different theme from the movie in every room. “We wanted to make it like you fell Read More »
Drafted into the Army while still in high school, and soon enlisting in the Navy, Sharold Ferris served his country for more than three decades before retiring in 2003. He has since finished a college degree and earned two master’s degrees and a doctorate while working 40-hour weeks as a Texas corrections officer. The 68-year-old Read More »