Parents want what is best for their children, but knowing how to provide that sometimes can be tough. At the House of Hope, we offer parenting classes, at no charge, to those in the community who either need or desire such training.
McLoud Public Schools’ students received a donation of 300 sets of headphones compatible with their Google Chromebooks from CPN’s FireLake Express Grocery.
Workforce Development & Social Services Assistant Director Margaret Zientek became the 14th Citizen Potawatomi Nation member named an AARP Oklahoma Indian Elder honoree in 2019.
Longtime Tribal employee and current Director of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Self-Governance Department, Kasie Nichols was honored in October at the Journal Record’s Woman of the Year reception.
Tribal leaders, congressional representatives and local officials welcomed Canadian firm Pro-Pipe USA LLC to the Citizen Potawatomi Nation in Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, for the pipeline manufacturer’s groundbreaking ceremony at Iron Horse Industrial Park.
As both a manager and customer service representative, Customer Care Manager Kay Bruce keeps others at the forefront of her mind. She believes FireLake Discount Foods does the same as an employer and retail establishment.
Mindful approaches to both the design and implementation of the CPN Eagle Aviary’s enclosures keeps the birds in shape, both mentally and physically.
During this episode, we’ll hear about services House of Hope offers to domestic violence victims, take a look at what’s growing in the community garden and get a history lesson about Tribal self-governance. CPN’s Language Department Director also teaches a social powwow dance song during this month’s “Learning Language.”
Because George Winter’s sketches and paintings serve as the only artistic record of any forced removal, CPN Cultural Heritage Center staff chose to use his pieces as key features within the Forced From Land and Culture: Removal gallery.
Throughout more than 35 years at Boeing, Jenks played an integral part in the production and design of International Space Station modules, jumbo jets and military helicopters.