Bourassa family history

Members of the Bourassa family, from early roots among French fur traders to current service to their Nation, have distinguished themselves with their work ethic and leadership qualities.

Collins speaks on learning Potawatomi language

Robert Collins, Citizen Potawatomi Nation Interdepartmental Potawatomi Language Lead and member of the Delonais family and Thunder Clan, speaks about learning and teaching Bodéwadmimwen.

Smith family history

The Smith family history traces back to northern Illinois and an interpreter named Countryman. The family would go on to establish the Smith’s Ferry in Kansas before being removed once again to present-day Oklahoma.

Traditional star knowledge

This is the third in a series by Minisa Crumbo Halsey that focuses on traditional Anishnabé star knowledge.

Pambogo family history

Members of the Pambogo family were among the Potawatomi leaders who insisted the U.S. government recognize the rights of Potawatomi women to control their land holdings. This action would help create a foundation for future generations of Potawatomi.

Negahnquet family history

The Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s Cultural Heritage Center provides resources to keep the Tribe’s history safe and accessible for generations to come. To highlight some of the archive’s holdings, the Hownikan is featuring photographs and family history of every founding Citizen Potawatomi family. Read the Negahnquet family history here.

Language update: July 2024

The July 2024 Language Update looks back on the progress of the Master Apprentice program and forward to the Potawatomi Language Conference at the end of July.

Nadeau family history

The Nadeau family helped establish St. Marys mission and later were among the first Citizen Potawatomi to settle in Indian Territory.

Summer star knowledge

Guest columnist Minisa Crumbo Halsey writes about the Anishnabé Creation Story which tells us many stories of our relations, the Star Beings, and the Star Being Constellation, Mno Mko, visible in the summer sky.