District 10 election candidates
Incumbent – David Barrett

Potawatomi name (if applicable) and family: My Potawatomi name is (Sits with the Spirits). My great-great grandmother was a full-blooded Potawatomi named Marguerite Yudian, Indian name Mnitoqua (Spirit Women), who married Leon Bourassa. Their daughter Margaret married Ruben Haas who’s daughter Minnie (Haas) Barrett had patent number 105 in the book of the Citizen Potawatomi allotment under the Dawes Act of 1887.
Residence: I’m an Oklahoma boy born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I grew up in Pottawatomie County all my life, mainly west of Tecumseh, Oklahoma. I’ve lived in the Bethel Acres area for the past 50 years.
Education and/or other achievements: After completing B.A. in accounting with a minor in mechanical engineering from the University of Oklahoma, I got married to Connie Fry (51 Years), served in the Navy (West Pack arena), and then came back to Oklahoma while working with Worthington Pump, receiving my MBA with honors from Oklahoma City University in 1982.
Employment: I’ve been a financial controller for numerous corporations during my lifetime at the same time establishing myself as an entrepreneur by acquiring different businesses and adventures. Some of my functions that pertain to making a living include being an accountant, manager, rancher, father, grandfather, legislator and controller.
General statement: I am a proud active Potawatomi member and a Navy veteran who will step up to the plate to render in a manner that is fair and objective for all our members and our veterans first, then look at how that can benefit both the Nation and our membership.
What experiences do you have that can be applied to a legislative position with the Tribe? My experiences from being a professional and having an entrepreneurial streak has guided me to pay close attention to details and render good decisions based on fact-finding. While serving our Nation (on the bank board, grievance committee, and legislator), I have been able to study our policies, procedures and our Constitution of which those experiences I will continue to apply to the Legislature.
Challenger – Charles Scott
Potawatomi name (if applicable) and family: Wenbisa (light rain), Charles Scott and I’m descended from John B Peltier and Ellen Vieux
Residence: Tecumseh Ok
Education and/or other achievements: BA in Philosophy and Religious Studies from St. Gregory’s University. I’m also a graduate of our Mdamen program, which I highly recommend.
Employment: Retired. I’m a veteran of the Army and Navy. I have worked as a Maintenance Mechanic, a Union Organizer, and a Paramedic.
General statement: I’m running for a seat on our Legislature. As we transition from one generation to the next, I want to be a generational bridge. I want to learn from and mentor under Chairman Barrett, VC Capps, Treasurer Trousdale, Legislators Eva Marie Carney, Paul Schmidlkofer, John Boursaw and Dave Carney. I want a seat at our leadership table, to ensure your voice is heard and you are represented. My personal Pledge: to bring Legislative Leadership to our Nation, to refocus our Veterans Group, to employ more CPN Members in Leadership Positions, to represent you with Honor, Integrity, transparency, expand our Tribal Sovereignty and promote our culture.
What experiences do you have that can be applied to a legislative position with the Tribe? The Military taught me to Lead, to Listen, to Learn. Being a Union Organizer taught me to be inclusive and build a grassroots consensus. I’ve talked with and listened to many tribal members and employees. I relate to you. I will bring my personality, leadership, empathy, warrior spirit to your Legislature. I’ll balance our Traditional Potawatomi values with our Legislative goals.
I need your votes. I hope to see you at our Festival in June, I will be on our Drum, singing for you, find me and say Bozho.
Wenbisa, Charles Scott
District 11 election candidates
Incumbent – Andrew Walters

Potawatomi name (if applicable) and family: My Tribal name is Nibwemko – “Standing Bear”. I am a descendent of the Bourbonnais Family through my 4th Great-Grandmother Catherine Chevelier “Catish” Bourbonnais, Peter Bourbonnais, Mary Margaret Bourbonnais, Effie Mae Dike, Hazel Francis Coder, and my Mother Emma Mae Fry
Residence: I live in Shawnee, Oklahoma
Education and/or other achievements: I attended the University of Texas at El Paso where I studied Psychology. I attended the University of Houston where I studied Philosophy. I attended Texas A&M where I studied Criminology and received my Texas Peace Officers Commission. I have attended the FBI Command College at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas and the Texas Law Enforcement Management Center in Huntsville, Texas. I have over 3000 hours of studies in Criminology, Management and Response. I attended the Federal Law Enforcement Center in Glenco, Georgia. I served 47 years in Texas law enforcement and law enforcement management.
Employment: I am currently retired from Law Enforcement, enjoying my family and travelling with my Wife, Cora.
General statement: I believe in our Tribal Government, our Sovereignty, and our Leadership. I believe we are on the right path for the future. I do acknowledge some issues. The two most important of those is developing participation and a sense of belonging in our Tribal family and improving communication between the tribal government and those we serve. Some Tribal members feel disenfranchised and angry about the Tribe. I hope, in my next term, to try to open the door to all members and hopefully heal old wounds.
What experiences do you have that can be applied to a legislative position with the Tribe? I have 2 years’ experience on Legislature. During that time, I have worked with the Administration on COVID response, the distribution of ARPA funding to members, the installment of new membership, the starting new business enterprises, and plans for a Tribal future. I currently serve on the “Rules and Government” and the “Judiciary/Public Safety” committees. I have quietly listened and learned the ways of the Government. I understand now the nuances of Tribal governance. I work well with all the Legislators and proudly call some friends. I have visited with other Tribal Leaders and have compared the good and bad of their ways versus ours. I believe I am qualified to carry on for the next 4 years to apply what experience I have gained to better our Tribe. My heart is good. I want the best for us.
Challenger – Jay Laughlin

Potawatomi name (if applicable) and family: My lineage is traced back to Kesh-now-quah — Angelique (Afternoon Woman), the daughter of the Potawatomi medicine man Wabaunsee, and wife to Pierre Fraschette Navarre. Both my father and grandfather were born in Wanette, Oklahoma, where my family was resettled in the late 1860s. My great-grandmother Emily (Weddle) Laughlin is listed on the 1937 rolls, and her grandmother Frances (Navarre) Milot is listed on the 1887 rolls.
Residence: I live just north of Edmond, Oklahoma, in Logan County. I was born in Duncan, Oklahoma and then moved not far from my family’s allotment near Wanette, Oklahoma.
Education and/or other achievements: I graduated high school from Lexington. After graduating high school, I pursued my degrees at various universities. I currently have a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering and a Master of Business Administration degree with an emphasis in finance. I’m professionally licensed to practice biomedical engineering, environmental engineering, and petroleum engineering.
Employment: I’ve worked and lived in various places across the U.S. and France. After making it back to Oklahoma in 2009, I’ve continued to work in engineering, focusing on the environmental sector and in the government contracting sector. I’m an engineer, investor, activist and small business owner.
General statement: It would be a great honor to serve our people and assist in the growth of our Nation. My vision is of a thriving Nation with diversified businesses to promote, protect and foster our culture, economic prosperity, education, environment, elders programs, health care systems and our youth.
What experiences do you have that can be applied to a legislative position with the Tribe? I have directed multi-million-dollar projects in various capacities, been on the board and supported non-profit organizations, raised children, been married, failed and got up again to succeed. I have the experience and education needed to move our Nation forward. By electing me to District 11, you will bring a fresh perspective to our legislative body.
District 13 election candidates
Incumbent – Bobbi Bowden

Potawatomi name (if applicable) and family: I am a member of the Trombla Family.
My Potawatomi Name is Pkuhshnoqua which was given to me by Chairman Barrett carried on from my Great Great Grandmother Rozette Trombla.
Residence: I live in Choctaw Oklahoma which is also where I spent my childhood.
Education and/or other achievements: I attended Rose State College and the University of Oklahoma pursuing a degree in finance which led me to a career in banking and Title Insurance. In 2014 I obtained my Certification in Interior Design and my Real Estate License.
Employment: In addition to my Design and Real Estate businesses I am the Project Manager and Lead Designer with Trails End Homes.
General statement: I am very honored to be serving another term and will continue to serve our great Nation to the best of my ability.
What experiences do you have that can be applied to a legislative position with the Tribe? My main strength is experience. I began serving the tribe in 2007 as a Business Committee Member. I was part of forming our 16-person legislative body. What an incredible thing that is for our members that are not in Oklahoma. I understand how important the growth and expansion of our enterprises are to continue to provide care and benefits to our members. I am looking forward to the continued success and growth of our great Nation.