On Dec. 4, 2019, Citizen Potawatomi Nation representatives convened the final meeting of the Tribal legislature for the calendar year. All officials were present except District 6’s Rande Payne and District 7’s Mark Johnson.
Legislators voted to authorize a request for fund disbursements from the Bureau of Indian Affairs to the Nation before passing a resolution authorizing the chairman, vice-chairman and secretary-treasurer as appointed representatives of the Tribe with regards to business with the U.S. Department of Interior’s Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians. They then approved the Tribe’s request for funding under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Title V, Part A and Part C programs.
Two grant-funding resolutions were approved by unanimous votes, the first for the Citizen Potawatomi Community Development Corporation’s application to the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institution Fund. The second was to the Tribe’s application to the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs Invasive Species Program.
Representatives then voted to update CPN’s Long Range Transportation Plan, requesting the BIA implement the changes. A following resolution updating the Tribal Transportation Program Transportation Improvement Program with the U.S. Highway Administration also passed.
Conditional relinquishment of citizenship requests were granted to Aidan Tobias Bearshead, Anastasia Cheyenne Coyle, Ariel Mariah Coyle and Tracy Ann Tripp. Voluntary relinquishments for Bobbie Nicole Jordan and Onis Franklin McHenry were also approved, while legislators enrolled 357 applicants into the Nation by a unanimous vote.