
I know so many people and veterans who are either having shoulder surgery or have had it done. There is some very interesting work on shoulder surgeries coming from the U.S. Veterans Affairs Baltimore VA Medical Center.

As noted in a press release by the VA, “Doctors demonstrated how 3D printing at VA is more useful for orthopedic surgeons in planning shoulder replacement surgery than current approaches. Baltimore VAMC Drs. Eliot Siegel and Kenneth Wang described how CT scan images used to create 3D printed models of the shoulder.

“3D printing creates an object by using material that is layered on top of each other, piece by piece; also know as additive manufacturing. These models provide surgeons with a better understanding of each patient’s specific anatomy, when compared with standard CT image review and with 3D visualization using a technique known as volume rendering. 3D printed models enable surgeons to better appreciate the anatomic features which determine the best surgical techniques for a particular patient.

“Shoulder-replacement surgery is commonly performed to treat arthritis, which is a widespread condition among Veterans and the general population. However, the small amount of bone at the socket side of the shoulder joint is a major challenge to the long-term durability of the shoulder replacements. By allowing surgeons to better appreciate the details of each individual patient’s anatomy, 3D printed models of the shoulder provide an additional tool for surgeons to use in pre-surgical planning, ultimately leading to longer-lasting shoulder replacements.

“The VA has announced the availability of up to approximately $15 million in grants for community organizations that provide adaptive sports, including therapeutic recreational opportunities for disabled Veterans and disabled members of the armed forces. The VA awards grants to qualifying organizations to plan, manage and develop, manage and implement programs serving Veterans.”

Remember, the CPN Veterans Organization meets every month on the fourth Tuesday at 6 p.m. (or as soon as you can get there) in the North Reunion Hall on the Potawatomi Powwow Grounds. All CPN and spouse veterans and their families are welcome. A meal is provided.

(Thank you),

Daryl Talbot, Commander