Nearly 5,000 recently attended the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Family Reunion Festival held June 29 – July 1 at the Nation’s headquarters. This year’s event honored nine founding Citizen Potawatomi families: Anderson, Beaubien, Bertrand, Bourbonnais, Ogee, Pettifer, Toupin, Wano and Yott.
Following tradition, the Tribe honored the wisest, youngest and farthest traveled member in attendance. Bob Pearl, 92, received a blanket as the wisest. Summer Whitman, 5 weeks, was recognized as the youngest, and Terri Sweenalt of Port Angeles, Washington, traveled the farthest.
During Festival, Tribal members experienced Potawatomi culture and participated in Tribal events. Like most family reunions, competition is an annual Festival highlight. This year, more individuals participated in Festival activities than any year before.
Here are the winners: