Submitted by
Kassi Roselius, M.D., M.P.H.
Fluoride has been proven effective in the reduction of tooth decay. Many people are not aware that fluoride occurs naturally in water, but is adjusted to higher levels needed to prevent decay. There is an estimated 25 percent reduction in tooth decay in communities with fluoridated water.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), data gathered for the Centers for Disease Control’s “My Water Fluoride” indicates that most patients living in rural counties are not drinking from fluoridated water supplies. Surrounding counties from Citizen Potawatomi Nation (CPN) Health Services – both East and West clinics – most likely are not equipped with fluoridated water for the community. In fact, only three systems in Pottawatomie County are fluoridated.
In 2007 when Governor Brad Henry issued the Governor’s Task Force Charge on Children and Oral Health, the state became aware of children’s dental needs. This study suggests the use of fluoride treatment as a means of reducing tooth decay among those who cannot afford, or do not have access, to routine dental care.
Fluoride varnish is a protective coating for teeth. It can help prevent tooth decay, slow it down or stop it from getting worse. Often times, children do not mind the taste after picking out one of its many flavors. Dental hygienists quickly apply a small amount of varnish by painting it on to the child’s teeth. Dentists and doctors all over the world prevent tooth decay in children by using this safe product.

Did you know?
CPN Public Health offers FREE fluoride varnish treatments for patients age 2-18 years old.
Our goal is to provide preventative service to patients and families who otherwise might not have access to proper dental care. Individuals without access to routine dental care may be at an increased risk for cavities. Listed below are some risk factors for their development:
• Absence of fluoride treatment through water
• History of cavities in family members (parents, siblings, etc.)
• Lack of ability to maintain proper oral hygiene
• Ongoing medical treatments (such as radiation)
How it works
1 Application of five percent sodium fluoride varnish in clinic
2 Soft foods, and cold or warm (not hot) foods and liquids for the first four-six hours
3 No brushing or flossing until the next morning
4 Available twice a year
Call CPN Public Health to schedule an appointment.
West Clinic: 405-964-5770
East Clinic: 405-273-5236