Last month was again exciting time at The P.L.A.C.E. We elected new officers for the year, and their election heralds a new year with leadership that understands the group’s goals and purpose.

•    President- Trae Trousdale
•    Vice-President- Duncan Hoffman
•    Secretary- Breylyn Stewart
•    Treasurer- Ashley Warnock
•    Council Representative- Ashley Murdock

Our anti bullying poster contest was a hit with Hailey Richardson, a freshman at Tecumseh High School, taking first prize.

November was busy. We celebrated Native American Heritage Month with a number of activities and lessons that do not get covered in the youth’s every day classes at school.

For instance, we had dancers from a number of Oklahoma’s tribes give demonstrations, which was reflective of the state’s diverse Native American heritage.

The youth also had story telling events, where they practiced the age old art of passing down stories and traditions by word of mouth.

We also feasted on Native American foods, including corn soup, fry bread and many others.

As part of our academic performance assistance as a tribal youth organization, it was also the first instance of first report cards being shown. We were not happy with the results, with our math grades being too low for our liking.

To address this, our academic support staff and directors have established a set of goals to bring the math grades up while also keeping focused on our students’ other subjects.
It’s not all homework though, as we believe in rewarding the positives of our youth as weel. They have recently enjoyed skating and bowling at FireLake Bowling Center as part of our reward days.

All in all, a busy few months before the holiday break, but we will finish strong as we head into the New Year. If you know of a student who might be interested in learning more about the FireLodge Youth Council or activities at The P.L.A.C.E., please feel free to email me at or call us at 405-214-5110.