I only have a brief article this month, as I wanted to provide everyone a primer on some Potawatomi questions and answers. Remember, if you’d like to learn the language at your own pace, visit our online courses for adults and children at language.potawatomi.org.

Bodéwadmimwen Kedwnen – Potawatomi language phrases

Ni je ngom zagech? – How is the weather? (How is today outside?) (Nee juh nGome zah gich)

Mno gishget – It’s a nice/good day. (Mih no geesh git)

Ksenyamget – It’s cold. (Kuh sin yam git) 

Gi gmowen ode waben nesh je mteno gwankwet odew jo pi. – It rained this morning but it’s only cloudy right now. (geek mowin oduh nesh juh mTino gwan kwet odo jo pee)

Jigwekya – It’s thundering. (Jeegwehkyah)

Ne awen – It’s warm. (Nay a win)

Ni je na? How are you? (Nee juh nah)

Anwe she shena – I’m fine. (southern) (an way shu shunah)

Iw zhe anwe – I’m fine. (northern) ( ee zhuh anwuh)

Ndaknoga – I’m sick. (Nuh dock no gah)

Nde-yekwes – I’m tired. (nuhduh yuck wis)

Nkikijpekwene – My back is aching. (nuh key keech puckwin nay)

Ni pi je ezhyayen? – Where are you going? (Nee pee juh ezh zhyayin)

Nwigwam nde-zhya. – I am going to my house. (Nuh weegwamim nuh duh zhyah)

Cho ngoji. Dawewgemgok ngizhyamen jeshek. – Nowhere. We just went to the store? (cho nuh go gee. Dow wow gum goke nuhgee zheeyahmin jushuck)

Gmnes ne gégo? – Do you need something? (Guh muh nes nay gah go) 

Ni je pi? – When? (Nee juh pee) 

Ni jetso dbegnék? – What time is it? (nee jet so dbuh guh nack)

Nmetsena. Ndbe giswas ngi-ngeton. – I don’t know. I forgot/lost my watch. (Muh met suh nah. Nuhduhbay gees wahs nuh gee nuhguh tone)

Noék apte dbegnék. – It is seven thirty. (no ack aptuh duh buh guh nack)

Ngot watso waben. Mban! – It is six in the morning. Go to bed! (ngoat watt so wabin. Muh bahn) 

Nawkwek yawen. – It is noon. (now kwek yow in)

Wegni je wa zhechkeyen odanke gishgok? – What are you doing Saturday? (Weg nee juh wah zhich kay yin oh dan kay geesh goke)

Nwigwamem nwi-dnes. – I am going to just hang around my house. (nweeg wahm im nwee duh nes)

Ngetsimek nwi-nishokmowak. – I am going to go help my parents. (nuh get seemuk nuh wee nee shoke moe wack)

Numa gishgok ne gwi-wijewe? – Do you want to come with me on Sunday? (Numah geesh goke nay guh wee weejuh way)

Gete gwi-wijewen. – Sure I will come with you. (gehtay guh wee wee juh win)

Gwi-mnes ne nishokmoyan. – Do you need my help? (guh wee muh ness nay nee shoke moe yan.)

Gwi-gwedemojge ne? – Are you going fishing? (guh wee gweh deh moch gay nay)

Shonya ne gde- ton? Do you have any money? (shown yah nay guh day tone)

Nbokshka – I am broke. (nuh boke shuh kah)

Bashyek mteno. – Only some pocket change. (bash yuck mTino)

Mdatso mek wi nde-ton. – I have ten dollars. (muh dot so muck wee nduh ton) 

Wegni je wa byedoyen I mawjeshnowen? – What are you bring to the get together/meeting? (weg nee juh wa byeh doe yin ee mowjeshnowin)

Wishkebabo nwi-byédon. – I am bringing pop. (Weesh kuh bahbo)

Des nagnen nwi-byédonen. – I am bringing plates. (Des nag nin nu wee byah dohn in)

Washkbek pkweshgen nwi-byédomen. – We are bringing a cake. (Wash kuh beck puh kwesh gin nuh wee byah doe min)

Ni pi je I gmizigemek? – Where is your bathroom? (nee pee juh ee guh meezee gum goke)

Shkwach shkwadém nmenji. – The last door on the right. (shkwach shkwa dam nuh min gee)

Azhosek – The next room over. (Azho suck)

Wiye wgi-ye abdek babwichgen. – Some is in there you will have to wait. (Wee yay wuh gee yay abduck bob weech gin)

Shpemsegok skebgya shkwadém. – Upstairs the green door. (Shuhpum suh goke skehb geeyah shkwa dam)