Each New Year, resolutions to lose weight, get healthy or simply start exercising become the norm for many people. There are a few things that can be done to add physical activity into the day without buying expensive workout equipment or a gym membership.

“There are easy ways to add physical activity to your day,” said CPN Wellness Center Fitness Trainer, Sarah Lawerance. “When going to the grocery store or department store, park farther out so you can add more walking into your day. If you have an appointment in an office building, take the stairs instead of the elevator.”

Lawerance also suggested exercises a person could do at home or at work, like push-ups, jumping jacks, planks, crunches, burpees, calf raises, wall sit, lunges or squats.

A sample workout including some of those exercises may be:

  • 10 push-ups 
  • 20 squats
  • 30 lunges
  • 40 sit ups
  • 50 second wall sit
  • 90 second jumping jacks
  • 50 second wall sit
  • 40 sit ups
  • 30 lunges
  • 20 squats
  • 10 push-ups

No matter what exercises are chosen, Lawerance suggests consulting a physician before starting a workout program to see if they have any recommended limitations or restrictions.

“Every exercise programs should be catered to your needs,” said Lawerance.

Whether exercising at home or work, choose exercises that are challenging, easy to stick with but most of all fun.

“Remember,” sa
id Lawerance, “any exercise benefits a person’s overall health.”