During this time, many of the CPN Eagle Aviary residents are building nests, and the pairs there have become more territorial and vocal while defending their space. Everyone’s appetite has increased. Many times, they forecast the weather better than the local meteorologists.
Mindful approaches to both the design and implementation of the CPN Eagle Aviary’s enclosures keeps the birds in shape, both mentally and physically.
The CPN Eagle Aviary is proud to also care for three non-eagles including an augur buzzard named Nikan, a peregrine falcon named Lady Z and Jigwé, a Harris’s hawk.
Summer is the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Eagle Aviary’s busiest season. It includes the Family Reunion Festival, the Potawatomi Leadership Program, summer camp tours as well as eagle feather molting. The heat and severe weather also require staff to take extra precautions.
This episode focuses on art created by Tribal members, highlighting both a stop-motion animator and a painter who mixes foundations of Native American art with eclecticism. A staff member of the CPN Eagle Aviary teaches the similarities and differences between bald and golden eagles, which the aviary houses.
A group of five musicians from Dream Warriors Management stopped at Citizen Potawatomi Nation this September. During their national “Heal It” tour, they performed for thousands of Indigenous youth at schools across the U.S. “I just love making music already, and it is definitely a motivational and inspirational tool. And it’s a tool for building Read More »
By Jennifer Randell and Bree Dunham, CPN Eagle Aviary Managers Weather patterns have been erratic this year, and fall has been no exception in Oklahoma. The pastures are still lush and green, and the trees, which would normally be nearly bare, are full of leaves that are only just beginning to suggest that autumn is Read More »
Aviary staff has been working to prepare an American bald eagle hatched at the facility in May for release. In addition to securing permission from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to release the eagle, the staff prepared the aviary so that it can to come and go from the facility to ensure he’s Read More »
February’s article for the aviary didn’t contain a great deal of information about Wadasé Zhabwé other than a brief description of her recent telemetry location and movements. We knew that would often be the case as she visits the aviary less frequently. While we were happy to report that she was doing well according to Read More »
CPN’s first community garden was planted in 2014. Tending it has become an annual activity that many elders, tribal members and employees take part in. Not only do they get fresh fruits and vegetables, but the time in the garden together allows them to talk about Potawatomi traditions and foods. With the winter season coming Read More »