When most people think of domestic violence, they see it as something that only happens to adults. However, statistics show that youth are more likely to experience violence in their romantic relationships than the rest of the population. February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, and House of Hope DVPI Prevention Specialist Kayla Woody offers important prevention tips.
January is Stalking Awareness Month. House of Hope’s Kayla Woody writes about signs of stalking, and steps to take if you or a loved one are experiencing stalking. If you feel you are in immediate danger, please call 911.
The CPN House of Hope is excited to mark the five-year anniversary of its domestic violence shelter in Pottawatomie County. The shelter and the agency’s domestic and sexual violence services have grown over the years, and many individuals have found safety from dangerous intimate partner situations.
January was National Stalking Awareness Month, and prevention specialist Kayla Woody hosted three different webinars to both Pleasant Grove Middle School and Shawnee High School classes. The House of Hope partnered with the Stalking Prevention Awareness Resource Center and Community Renewal of Pottawatomie County to provide much-needed information about signs of stalking and ways to prevent stalking.
For victims of domestic violence, smartphone apps can increase the likelihood that their perpetrator is taken into custody and prosecuted.
Along with the rise in temperature comes a rise in domestic violence cases for shelter advocates and hotlines.
Stalking can happen to anyone. Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s House of Hope provides assistance to those experiencing domestic violence and stalking.