By Kendra Lowden, Foster Care/Adoption Manager
The coronavirus pandemic has impacted countless individuals, communities, businesses and social services agencies across the world. Despite these recent events, FireLodge Children & Family Services continues our work in protecting and preserving Native American families. Child welfare programs do not discontinue services, even during a crisis. Our dedicated staff are working tirelessly to ensure children are safe and cared for during this trying time while also emphasizing the importance of cultural connections.

FireLodge Children & Family Services offers multiple programs designed to best serve the unique and individual needs of our clients, including those who are a part of the foster care and adoption program. This program is responsible for foster parent recruitment, completing the home study process and coordinating the placement of Citizen Potawatomi foster children into culturally appropriate homes. After approval, foster parents continue to work closely with our team as they begin the journey of accepting children into their home.
FireLodge Children & Family Services continually stays in contact with foster parents and Citizen Potawatomi children during the pandemic. We have been able to assist families who have had difficulty locating resources and services. Our case managers significantly increased virtual contacts with families to offer meaningful connections while promoting safety.
Potawatomi children need Native American families to answer the call to foster and adopt. Interested families will receive detailed information about our current virtual processes while receiving one-on-one support. For more information about FireLodge Children & Family Services, call us at 405-878-4831, or visit us online at