We’re virtually here to help!
By CPN Behavioral Health Department
Citizen Potawatomi Nation Health Services
A lot of people seem to have been doing a lot of things the last few weeks. Some people are getting in more steps or working out at home; some are cleaning house; some are taking on projects like sewing, painting or building palette furniture. Some people. A great many people are doing things that are more in line with sleeping, watching any number of streaming services for hours on end, snacking frequently or worrying how to recover financially when all this starts to take a turn for the better.

No matter how you handle maintaining social distance, it is important to remember — there is more than one right way to do it. We know right now to maintain distances of at least six feet, wash hands for at least 20 seconds and wear masks when we need to do so. Other than those guidelines, we need to use our best judgement. We don’t have to get out and build a new home with wood we cut in our spare time and with nails we crafted out of metal we mined or repurposed. We don’t have to learn a new skill or re-learn an old one, or start doing yoga three hours a day. It is great if you do these kinds of things, but don’t feel pressured do any of this.
This is a really strange (I think one popular word right now is “unprecedented,”) time without a blueprint. Our purpose in all of this is to stay safe. Stay safe physically and emotionally. Those are the goals. After that, go ahead and pick up a new hobby, or stay home and do nothing; or find a balance between the two (I for one have done a lot of writing, but I think I am close to finishing Netflix as well). Just take care of yourself and the people around you. Keep in mind that getting things ready for the seventh generation starts with caring for you and those around you, not learning how to pickle beets.
Of course, you can always check with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention at cdc.gov with questions and helpful information during this time. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is also available at 1-800-273-TALK(8255) or text CONNECT to 741741, or online at suicidepreventionlifeline.org.
(Thank you)!