By Kayla Woody, Citizen Potawatomi Nation House of Hope Prevention Specialist
Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s House of Hope hosted an exciting night of couponing 101 to kick off the new year. The free event was held in January 2020 to teach the community how to shop efficiently and live frugally. The 40 attendees also heard about financial abuse and its effect on relationships, with 52 percent of victims stating that they “simply didn’t have the financial resources to leave the unhealthy relationship.”

The House of Hope’s goal is to educate the community in changing the mindset of individuals in our community and teach methods on how to eliminate intimate partner violence, stalking and sexual assault. The goal is also to assist in safely removing individuals from unhealthy relationships with the planning, resources and knowledge to help them with a fresh start.
Couponing is a great way to help with this process. By teaching our clients how to coupon, we are helping them save money for necessities such as rent, car payments and day care expenses.
We want to empower our clients to be confident in making their own financial decisions, and when we can help them save money on those purchases, it allows them the opportunity to apply those funds to other areas of their budget. They begin to regain self-confidence that was lost in the abusive relationship.
Through our community engagement, we are encouraging donations of items that are extremely important for those in need.
If you or someone you know is experiencing stalking, intimate partner violence, and/or sexual assault and would like more information, please contact House of Hope at 405-275-3176 or visit us online at