All CPN legislators were present for the first quarterly legislative meeting of 2020 held Monday, Feb. 17, 2020.

Tribal attorneys presented status updates regarding a lawsuit between the State of Oklahoma and several tribes surrounding the gaming compact. Minutes of the previous meetings held in December 2019 and January 2020 were then approved.
The CPN legislators approved two grant applications, one for the United States Department of Justice’s Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation program funding for fiscal year 2020 and another for the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Indian Community Development Block Grant program funding for fiscal year 2019.
A request to the Bureau of Indian Affairs for the addition of new routes to the National Tribal Transportation Field Inventory of CPN was approved unanimously.
Chairman John “Rocky” Barrett received approval through resolution to open one or more interest bearing cash sweep public fund accounts with Bank7. The 2020-2021 annual budget of $775,000 from the estimated earnings and interest on program money from judgment funds awarded by the United States Court of Claims passed with no opposition.
Nominees for Tribal judicial office prior to election were also approved.
A cross deputation agreement between CPN and the City of Choctaw, Oklahoma, was tabled for later discussion.
All approved the enrollment of 183 applicants into CPN membership.