Did you know that you can request copies of your military records, replace lost medals and awards, research military records, and browse WWII photos? Visit the Online Veterans and Military Documents section of the National Archives website at

Most of their holdings are not online; however, varieties of military records, from photos to documents to searchable databases, are available. Here are some online collections of special interest to veterans, their families and researchers:
Current Era and General Military Records:
– Pictures of U.S. Navy Ships (1775 – 1941)
Casualty Records for the Vietnam Conflict:
– State-level Lists of Casualties
– Casualty Statistics
– Records on Military Personnel Who Died, Were Missing in Action or Prisoners of War
– Records of Medals, Awards and Decorations
– Records of Combat Operations
Casualty Records for the Korean War:
– State-level Lists of Casualties
– Records of Military Personnel Who Died and were Wounded
– Records of American Prisoners of War
– Records of Repatriated Korean War Prisoners of War
Casualty Records for World War II:
– Honor List of Dead and Missing Military Personnel
– Casualty List for Military Personnel
– Records List of Prisoners of War
– Enlistment and Draft Records
– Photos
– Research and Selected Finding Aids
There are also research records for World War I, the Spanish-American War era, the Civil War era and the American Revolutionary War era. Additional online records may be found by searching the National Archives Catalog and Access to Archival Databases “AAD” systems.
You are welcome.
Remember the CPN Veterans Organization meets every month on the fourth Tuesday at 6 p.m. (or as soon as you can get there ) in the North Reunion Hall on the Potawatomi Powwow Grounds. All CPN and spouse veterans and their families are welcome. A meal is provided.
(Thank you),
Daryl Talbot, Commander
CPN VA Representative: Andrew Whitham
CPN Office Hours: 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.