By Sherry Byers, CPN Housing Department Program Manager
The One Time Grant has now been in operation for more than 21 years and has evolved and improved throughout this time. It has assisted hundreds of Citizen Potawatomi Nation tribal members with funds for their down payment or closing costs associated with the purchase, building or refinancing of a home.

In addition to assisting individual Tribal members with this program, we would also like to see the CPN’s First National Bank & Trust Co. benefit by originating the mortgage loans. FNB is able to offer most loan programs offered by other lending institutions, except loan types affiliated with predatory lenders.
It is interesting to know that there are still many uninformed CPN members out there when it comes to information regarding this program and the Tribal bank. Our office receives calls daily from citizens that never knew of this grant or that the Tribe owns its own bank.
All Citizen Potawatomi members are eligible for this grant one time only. The maximum amount is $2,125 and does not have to be repaid.
Program criteria:
- The grant cannot be used for any type of mobile home
- Convicted felons or other household member felons are ineligible
- The home being purchased must be their primary residence
- The Tribal member’s name must be on the loan
The application must be completed thoroughly with the following submitted:
- Copy of borrower’s CPN membership card
- Copy of Social Security cards for household member without Tribal cards
- Copy of the “Loan Estimate” from lender
- Income verification for all household members (last three to four pay stubs, or if same employer for years, the last two years of tax returns — first page and signature page only)
- Name of the closing entity (Title Co., Escrow Co., Attorney, etc.)
- Completed W-9 form
- Copy of appraisal
The application and support information is required in our office at least three weeks prior to the closing date. This gives our office enough time to get the paperwork processed and the check mailed back to the Tribal member by the specified date.
To request the application and/or general information regarding the One Time Grant, please contact Sherry Byers, homeownership manager at 405-273-2833 or at
This grant may also done after closing. The required paperwork must be in our office at least 30 days from the loan closing date. Please contact our office when applying following closing.
For information regarding loan products and lending requirements at First National Bank & Trust Co., please contact Jeff Scroggins, mortgage loan officer at 405-275-8830 or 800-227-8362.