First things first, the CPN Veterans Organization had one of the best Christmas/Thanksgiving dinners that we have had in several years. We had 52 people attend; the food was great, and the fellowship was the best. We had two special presentations recognizing Vice-Chairman Linda Capps and Richard Driskel from FireLake Discount Foods for their continued friendship and support of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Veterans Organization. They have had a positive influence on our color guard and honor guard in representing the Tribe throughout the state of Oklahoma and the United States.

Tribal Chairman John “Rocky” Barrett supported us by providing a meeting place and recognizing our efforts to keep the CPN Veterans Organization growing. We had the largest attendance of seniors that we have had in many years. We have a new year ahead of us that promises to be exciting with growing interest in the nation and tribes of our active duty and veterans’ welfare. We will continue to work to keep the spirit of a free nation and a proud military alive. God bless us all.
Remember, the CPN Veterans Organization meets every month on the fourth Tuesday at 6 p.m. (or as soon as you can get there) in the North Reunion Hall on the Potawatomi powwow grounds. All CPN and spouse veterans and their families are welcome. A meal is provided.
(Thank you),
Daryl Talbot, Commander
CPN VA Representative: Andrew Whitham
CPN Office Hours: 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.