Take a look at happenings in other Potawatomi tribes across North America.

1. A Union City, Michigan, luncheon was a festive occasion for seven Michigan veterans organizations this year as the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi donated $48,300. The NHBP Veterans Committee 2019 Chief Moguago Veterans Golf Outing raised the funds for the seven organizations who each received a check for $6,900. The money was distributed in November to help veterans and their families pay wintertime utility bills, house those without shelter and buy food. Read more at cpn.news/nhvet.
2. The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation in Mayetta, Kansas, received recognition in December for its efforts to help protect area youth at the Kansas Safe Kids Coalition. The tribe was recognized as the Safe Kids Kansas Coalition of the Year for outstanding contributions in reducing unintentional injury to Kansas children. The coalition of tribal departments, local schools and other entities raised awareness about healthy sleeping and heatstroke prevention, along with providing car seat check lanes throughout Jackson County. The coalition also sponsored a bike derby and provided free bike helmets. Read more at cpn.news/kssafe.
3. Dowagiac, Michigan, now has a new tribal justice center for the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi. In addition to housing the Pokagon Tribal Court and a Peacemaking Center, the new facility will also serve as the new Pokagon Tribal Police headquarters. The new police facility can house up to 20 officers with dedicated space for training, evidence storage, interview rooms, holding cells, conference space and changing areas. The facility blends traditional elements including an outdoor peacemaking circle, an indoor healing fire room, and a circular courtroom. Read more at cpn.news/pokagonjustice.
4. The Potawatomi Hotel & Casino in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, kicked off the holiday giving season with a massive donation to the Heart of Canal Street Charity drive in late October. The casino is an enterprise of the Forest County Potawatomi Tribe, and this year raised $1.2 million through the campaign that supports children in southeast Wisconsin. Since it began in 1994, more than $19 million in donations have supported hundreds of local children’s charities. Learn more by visiting cpn.news/canalstreet.
5. The Pokagon Band of Potawatomi recently unveiled their own online language course on the Mango Languages application. The first portions of the Bodwéwadmimwen Potawatomi language course are now available on both Apple and Android devices. According to Tribal Chairman Matthew Wesaw, users initially learn conversational language, including phrases and sentence structures, to help them communicate in real-life situations. Then the application expose users to emphasis, sounds and tonal fluctuation. Read more about the course at cpn.news/potmango.
Three Potawatomi tribes in Michigan are amongst six in the state who are doing more to promote healthy lifestyles and food access in tribal communities. Two years after its creation, the Michigan Tribal Food Access Collaborative is making progress. The project enhances the nutrition landscape in tribal communities, and the Hannahville Indian Community joins the Pokagon Band and the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi as main participants along with three other Native Nations. Learn more at cpn.news/michigan.