By Kendra Lowden, Foster Care/Adoption Manager
Citizen Potawatomi Nation is an economically and culturally thriving tribe. Despite our successes, some Potawatomi children are involved with the child welfare system due to abuse and neglect.

FireLodge Children & Family Services is committed to protecting children and ensuring they are connected to their family and heritage. Any time a Native American child is placed out of their parents’ home and into custody, states are legally required to provide notice to the child’s tribe. Our department proudly intervenes nationwide on every case with a Potawatomi child to ensure their cultural, physical and emotional needs are being met.
Currently, FireLodge Children & Family Services is able to approve foster or adoptive families only within the state of Oklahoma. Since many Potawatomi families involved in the child welfare system live out of state, we are encouraging already approved out-of-state foster and adoptive families to contact our department. It is possible a child in your area is in need of a Potawatomi home. Having your information on file will aid us in finding temporary or permanent homes for children in the location they are residing.
For more information, please contact FireLodge Children & Family Services at 405-878-4831 or email Kendra Lowden at To learn more about FireLodge Children & Family Services, please visit