By Kendra Lowden, Foster Care/Adoption Manager
I am proud to have recently accepted the position of foster care/adoption manager at FireLodge Children & Family Services. Along with a brand new team of dedicated child welfare advocates in our program, I look forward to raising awareness about the need for Native American foster homes for Potawatomi children.

FireLodge Children & Family Services is committed to protecting children and ensuring they are connected to their family and heritage. Trauma is often the rule and not the exception for children removed from their families due to abuse or neglect and placed into foster care. Citizen Potawatomi Nation foster families provide vulnerable children a sense of stability and comfort, while also ensuring their cultural needs are being met.
According to statistics provided by the Oklahoma Department of Human Services tribal unit, of more than 8,000 children in foster care in Oklahoma, one-third are reported to be Native American. Some of these children are Potawatomi and placed in non-Native American homes. FireLodge Children & Family Services strives to place children in culturally appropriate situations.
For more information on becoming a foster parent for Potawatomi children, please contact FireLodge Children & Family Services at 405-878-4831, on Facebook or by email me at
(Thank you)!