Those used to visiting the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Health Services administration offices tucked into the far south portions of the CPN East Clinic will soon find themselves with more room for increased medical care offerings. In late June 2017, the tribal health services administration offices relocated at 783 Grand Casino Blvd. Shawnee, OK 74804 to make room for additional services at the clinic.
Though the main numbers for appointments and other tribal health services will remain the same, the new number specifically for CPN Health Services Administration will be 405-964-4900. The fax number is 405-964-4902.
“With the increase in patient visits, health providers and services offered we needed to give our medical professionals and patients more room,” explained Chris Skillings, director of CPN Health Services.
In the last few months alone the tribe has added several medical providers, including two optometrists, and is awaiting the completion of construction on the new imaging center located next to the CPN West Clinic.
“As we grow our health services to provide care for our tribal members, employees and Native Americans living in the tribe’s service area, we’ll continue to explore ways to best serve our patients at the highest quality levels and in the best facilities possible,” said Skillings.
CPN Health Services provided more than 133,926 physicians visits, 7,245 dental visits, 1,929 Health Aid visits and 32,934 wellness center visits in the latest fiscal year. Also during that time, the pharmacy filled more than 206,858 prescriptions.
In addition to medical and dental clinics, the tribe also has departments providing behavioral health treatments, physical therapy and rehabilitation services and tribal elder wellness programs. The tribal diabetes program also serves Native Americans of all tribes living in the Citizen Potawatomi Nation’s jurisdiction.
To learn more about the expanding health care services available through Citizen Potawatomi Nation, many of which are open to tribal members, Native Americans living in its service area along with tribal employees and non-Native spouses of tribal members, please visit www.potawatomi.org/services/health.
To book an appointment with CPN Health Services or to learn more information, please call (405) 878-4693.